Online Yoga Program
First series of Ashtanga Yoga

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Online Yoga Program

In this yoga program you will be able to practice the whole First series of Ashtanga yoga, each class is prepared to practice step by step from Sun Salutation A to the final closing sequences.

In advanced includes two classes of Vinyasa Flow, one class of meditation techniques and finally 2 classes to build specific asanas of the first series.

enjoy your sadhana

** FULL Programa de Yoga en Espanol **

Class 1: Vinyasa Flow - Full body

Class 2: Vinyasa Flow - Full body & hip opening

Class 3: Breathing techniques ; Nadi Shodhana

Class 4: First Series Ashtanga yoga - Sun Salutations A-B

Class 5: First Series Ashtanga yoga - Standing postures

Class 6: First Series Ashtanga yoga - Standing and grounding postures

Class 7: First Series Ashtanga yoga -Grounding intermediate postures to urdhva danurasana

Class 8: First Series Ashtanga yoga - Final postures

Class 9: Step by Step; How to build specific asanas of First series Ashtanga yoga

Class 10: Step by Step; How to build specific asanas of First series Ashtanga yoga

Introduccion Clases de modificaciones

Etapa: Embarazo - Post parto - Lesiones

Clase 1: Modifiaciones durante etapa de Embarazo en practica Ashtanga yoga

Clase 2: Modificaciones durante etapa de Post parto en practica Ashtanga yoga

Clase 3: Modificaciones durante etapa de lesiones en practica de Ashtanga yoga

Contact me for more information on the Ashtanga yoga program.